
Legal Notice

Société EARL Les Bateliers du Rhône

The Les Bateliers du Rhône company’s registered office is located at CHEMIN DES ILES  – 26600 GERVANS

SIRET : 437 518 384 000 15
Capital : 8 000 €


Genral Information

Legal representative and publication director

The legal representatives of the Les Bateliers du Rhône company and the publication directors are Mr. Jean-Pierre MUCYN and Mrs Hélène MUCYN
To contact the company: contact@mucyn.com

Design and production

Agence Web LICOM Développement– 1, Rue du Docteur Tournaire – 26600 TAIN L’HERMITAGE
Tél 04 699 699 20


SAS OVH managed through LICOM Développement


Intellectual property rights

All the contents of this website are governed by the Intellectual Property Code.

The presentation and content of this website constitute a work protected by the laws relating to intellectual property, which is held by the Les Bateliers du Rhône company.

The designation and appellations, photographs, slogans, logos, brand names, testimonials, etc., are used, either with the authorization of their owner(s), or as a simple indication of products or services.

The photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, models, images, video clips with or without sound, and all works included on the website are the property of the Les Bateliers du Rhône company or third parties who have authorized the Les Bateliers du Rhône company to use them.


Crédit photo

EARL Les Bateliers du Rhône company, Pixabay, Inter Rhône